DENSS has been refactored to be compatible with modern Python recommendations. This allows DENSS to be on the official PyPI repository. Now DENSS can be conveniently installed with: This will automatically install the necessary packages (NumPy and SciPy) and versions to run DENSS. If you would like to automatically install matplotlib as well (for the convenient plotting options for some DENSS scripts), you can instead type: This was a fairly large refactoring of the core DENSS code. … [Read more...]
DENSS updated to v1.7.3
DENSS has been updated to v1.7.3 with bug fixes and features, including improvements in speed and robustness. DENSS has also been updated to be compatible with and integrated into BioXTAS RAW. Features and Bug fixes: … [Read more...]
New SWAXS calculator for atomic models
DENSS v1.7.0 introduces a new tool for calculating highly accurate SWAXS profiles from atomic models and fitting experimental data (like CRYSOL, FoXS and others). The script will accept atomic models in the PDB format and generate a high-resolution electron density map incorporating solvent terms such as excluded volume and the hydration shell. The article describing the method has been published on Biophysical Journal … [Read more...]
DENSS v1.7.0 released
We are excited to announce the release of DENSS v1.7.0. Included in the updates are many bug fixes, speed and stability improvements. A few new scripts have been added and updated, significant ones including and has been completely rewritten using a new algorithm to calculate electron density maps from atomic models that accurately fit experimental SWAXS data (more details in a follow up post and in our bioRxiv paper). The new script … [Read more...]
Dihedral symmetry option added to DENSS
A new option has been added to DENSS for enforcing dihedral symmetry in addition to the previously available cyclical symmetry option. Dihedral symmetry adds n 2-fold axes of symmetry perpendicular to each cyclical symmetry related position. By applying this additional restraint for such objects, significantly improved reconstructions can be obtained. For example, many protein tetramers, rather than possessing 4-fold cyclical symmetry (C4) will instead possess D2 dihedral symmetry. Another … [Read more...]
DENSSWeb Updated
DENSSWeb, our online web server for running the full DENSS pipeline, has recently received a major update. Try out DENSSWeb at DENSSWeb runs 20 individual DENSS reconstructions and aligns and averages the reconstructions. DENSSWeb now has the Fast, Slow, and Membrane modes available. Previously only Fast mode was available for quick reconstructions of simple systems, and now DENSSWeb is capable of producing results suitable for publication with the additional Slow and … [Read more...]
DENSS v1.6.3 updates
DENSS v 1.6.3 released today has several bug fixes and feature updates: Major/moderate updates: Updated output fit files from to have the .fit extension common for such file types. This replaces the old *_fit.dat files created by and now conform to the standard .fit format as a 4-column ascii text file containing (q, I, error, fit).When is given a file with real data and a fit, such as a GNOM .out file or the .fit file … [Read more...]
Automatic Dmax and profile fitting
DENSS v1.6.1 now includes new convenience features to automatically estimate the maximum dimension of the particle, Dmax, and perform fitting of the experimental scattering profile. will automatically estimate Dmax when started and calculate an initial profile fit, rather than default to Dmax = 100 Å will now write out additional header lines to the *_fit.dat output file containing parameter values such as Dmax and now reads the header from … [Read more...]
DENSS v1.6 released
Version 1.6 contains several updates, features and bug fixes since DENSS version 1.5.0. Special thanks to Jesse Hopkins, Andrew Bruno, and Markus Meier and Fabian Heide for bug fixes and improvements. Some major updates include: GPU acceleration added (v1.5.1) (requires CuPy and CUDA GPU)Major updates to how shrink-wrap deals with negative contrast, particularly important for membrane proteins and other lipid containing particlesSeveral updates to Some additional updates … [Read more...]
GPU acceleration with CuPy
A new --gpu option when running v1.5.1 with NVIDIA CUDA capable graphics cards is available. Tests show this option speeds DENSS up by more than 20x compared to CPU-only. Requires CuPy to be installed. We will attempt to update this in the future for more GPUs using OpenCL. Please contact us to let us know if you run into any bugs or issues. … [Read more...]